2942839-mighty+no.9_logo_brush+up1015Growing up there have been very few games that have left an impression on me. One of those games was Mega Man and the franchise it spawned. However, in the declining years, we have witnessed not so many attempts to create better Mega Man titles from Capcom. It got to the point where Capcom stopped producing Mega Man games which lead to them not even knowing who the fabled blue bomber is when Nintendo asked to put him in smash brothers. However, not long ago a game designer by the name of Nick Yu decided to create a new IP in the name of Mighty No.9 or Beck if you want to call him by his proper name, and soon a Kickstarter was launched and funding began to flow in for his new Mega Man and after a series of lengthy delays, we ended up with a bad trailer and a game shortly after.
mighty-no-9-freezeI have had the dubious honor of playing both on Xbox One and the PC and I have come to a reasonable conclusion that! It probably wasn’t Capcom’s fault for the decline of Mega Man.

The first of many issues I encountered was its level design and lack of instruction for the game character. You see in the original games they went to great lengths to teach you the controls from jumping, to attacking and dodging, in this it gives you a very brief tutorial at the start of the game and after that. Well, it’s on your own after that.

Take for example the Power Plant stage in the game at one point of the stage it tells you to do a crotch dash and you have not been taught that anywhere in the game at all. So you try and waste countless lives because if you fail to do it you will instantly die.3083984-screens_07

The second issue also follows that the game is very unforgiving in terms of what to do. Once you learn the crotch dash is you literally dashing while pressing down on the D-pad you think you can finally avoid dying from the generators in the Power Plant stage. Well, you are wrong in this case.

You see unlike their predecessors of his, you knew what the enemy or building’s hitbox looks like just by staring at it. You will understand this is where you go, this is where you avoid death and in this case, you don’t get that. And this isn’t the only stage to do this, almost all the stages have this scenario somewhere in them that creates the issue of instant death that will frustrate and confuse the player to no end.mighty-no-9-screen-4

However, Mighty No. 9 does have some good points, most notably the musical composition which remains very upbeat and the controls are pretty easy to understand as well. So the game’s faults just end up being bad level design, bad character design, and bad dialog, and despite all the money they put into the title this does not have the polish we all were hoping for in terms of a Mega Man game.

Don’t get me wrong, he tried and he probably tried really hard and for that, we give him credit. But there is no way I can honestly recommend this title to anyone, not even a die-hard Mega Man fan. It ends up being just a big pile of disappointment. Sorry guy’s but the Super Fighting Robot we are looking for may never be seen again. At least Capcom released the classics on steam and other consoles again, if you want to check out Mighty No. 9 to see how bad it is for yourself you can find it on Steam!Mighty No.9

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An autistic gamer with opinions on games who also enjoys making dumb videos on the internet!