It seems that our friends at Red 5 Studios (Red 5) still cannot catch a break. In the latest news, we have ascertained that up to about 40% of the staff will have to take a pay cut if they’re to continue working at the company. Investors are skeptical right now about Red 5’s stability.

Red5Studios_ColorSome employees have stated that they’ll only be getting 60% of their actual paychecks until more investors are lined up. It pains me to think that the developers of a game I really enjoyed are suffering this much and that the employees are forced to bear it due to bad management.

They would not be in this position if they had truly talented executives who understood the market. We can only speculate as to how long the company will be left afloat on the rough seas of the gaming industry.

I could go on for hours about how they had something great but then failed in its execution. A lot of the staff wish they could get out, but if they quit outright they cannot collect unemployment. But what’s even worse is that Red 5 continues to entice players into thinking everything is all well and good, when it’s not. We can hope that another company will eventually buy them out and continue to support their flagship MMO: Firefall. But that’s only speculation and hopefulness of players such as myself.

Of course, the company may somehow survive and find its footing before it’s too late. As it stands, I firmly believe that neither Red 5 nor Firefall will last through the end of this year. This is tragic and a not a few employees agree with me. You can have the greatest game, but if you don’t know how to sell it you might as well give up on garnering player interest.

Ah, well here’s hoping that something good comes along for the employees of Red 5.
Edit: The source came from an employee in the company.

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An autistic gamer with opinions on games who also enjoys making dumb videos on the internet!

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1 Comment

  1. every player Firefall know the R5 team’s arrogance has always been his destruction rather than amateurism and lack of capacity again with this version called 1.6 we see almost complete playerbase being against dozens of changes, some changes are refused by 90% of playerbase, but yet Red5 forcing players and pushing these changes unfortunately another shot in the foot, because we know that will fail again.

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