Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 | PLAY AS A TERRORIST!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 logoWhen I was younger I never got an opportunity to play the Call of Duty titles, so when an opportunity presented itself to play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 I jumped at the chance, and honestly?

I was not prepared for this. Out of all the games I’ve played over the years I have yet to encounter a game with a darker narrative than this one. That is to say, it does work for the game, and I personally have a family member who’s been in the military and who understands that a war is fought on various fronts and that sometimes we have to do things that will affect us on a personal level.

I won’t lie Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 doesn’t sugarcoat its gameplay and it like its predecessor I reviewed takes a very realistic approach to Warfare the grittiness, and the painful truth, all of these factors can be seen in their narratives.Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 hummer

A Part of me is sickened by it, but having my family remind me that’s exactly what Warfare is like paints a dark picture of the world around me that I honestly do. I tend to suppress or ignore them because I can’t deny what they went through, and even though this is just a game.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 paints a very realistic picture in terms of narrative as to what real warfare is like for ordinary people. It’s true that the game’s narrative is very fictional but it doesn’t take away from the harsh reality it paints.

People argue that video games are a work of art because they can invoke an emotional response and just like Modern Warfare Remastered I know for some like my brother-in-law it could trigger their PTSD.Snipers

I have to give credit where it’s due for Activision not wanting to shy away from a realistic narrative of warfare from hostage situations or gunning down hundreds of innocent civilians inside of an airport in their very controversial “No Russia” mission.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 handles the approach of gameplay very realistically minus guns and ammo. Where the guns are designed to feel close to their real-world counterpart, like every shooter in existence we’re not going to be finding absurd amounts of ammo scattered around a person’s home even when you consider they live in America it still doesn’t mean they have THAT much ammo.

But that’s not the merit Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is credited for at least not from me although it would’ve been funny.scuba diving in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

The music helps sets the tone for the gameplay and like modern shooters from Activision and many others the controls are fluid both on the controller and keyboard and mouse. So playing the game feels natural regardless of what controller set you use.

When all these factors are put together you get a wonderful game albeit one of the darkest I’ve ever played and I highly suggest those with post-traumatic stress syndrome actively (PTSD) actively avoid this title and its predecessor Call of Duty Modern Warfare as I would not want your symptoms to flare up.

But if you’re an average person such as myself who’s been desensitized to video games since you were a child, and you want a very grim look into what a real war could look like then I would recommend Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Remastered.

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An autistic gamer with opinions on games who also enjoys making dumb videos on the internet!