Seasons After Fall, in the most simplistic of ways is a beautifully orchestrated game, from the majesty of its artwork to the very core elements of its gameplay. There was another game I reviewed a while back called Ori and the Blind Forest and this game are most definitely on the same level of greatness as something produced by Microsoft Studios.Seasons After Fall

You play a seed, or you are often referred to as a Seed not really sure in this aspect because at a junction the story presents a narrative that argues this point. But anyways, once you arrive you are told to visit four different sanctuaries and meet each Guardian as you progress through each stage. The game involves basic puzzle solving, combined with stunning artwork, soothing melodies, platform gaming, and lastly simply perfect narrative.

Seasons After FallIt is a fairly simple game and I finished it with hundred percent completion in nearly eight hours being generous with time as well. But just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it is any less enjoyable, the game orchestrates itself in a manner that is both enticing and provocative to keep the players entertained. If you are a young gamer and you don’t want to expose them to more violent games, or any game that in general has violence in it. Then this would be the ideal game for you and your kids.Seasons After Fall

As the game has no enemies to combat and it relies heavily on its storytelling capabilities and stunning artwork. However, I will say this, for younger people the puzzles will in general keep the children occupied as they try to solve them. I found a few someones challenging me which is why it took me eight hours to complete the game instead of finishing it quickly.

But I do have to note at times the controller felt very ridged and not my controller by the actual character controls itself. If you do not maintain momentum as you play through the game the character becomes a bit more listless and sluggish making solving puzzles that require jumping a bit harder.

Seasons After FallI also encountered a bug in the game during its second phase, I guess you could call it that triggered my vibration settings on the controller and never shut them down. So now I got a glorified neck massager to help me stay at ease. Although this can be a bit tedious in general if you just enjoy having it vibrate when you jump or fall.

Seasons After FallThe only real solution to this problem is that you can turn it off in the settings menu but it completely turns the function off, if you turn it back on it will just continue vibrating regardless and not stop at all.

The game overall though is very solid, with stages that change for each segment you complete, an amazing mechanic to control the seasons to help solve puzzles like the Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons, and a beautiful and artistic world that feels as if it was painted onto my screen for me to enjoy.

Despite the game being really short, I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it to anyone who wants to play a very relaxing game. Seasons after Fall is more about the experience rather than the challenge and I’ve found it very fulfilling both as a game and as an art piece, if you want to play Seasons After Fall you can find it on Steam!

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An autistic gamer with opinions on games who also enjoys making dumb videos on the internet!