Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty | AND WITH JUST THE RIGHT CRUNCH!

In Oddworld New ‘n’ Tasty Mudokons are on the menu from Rupture Farms. Introducing Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee, where you play as an unfortunate Mudokon trying to escape food processing with as many fellow Mudokons as inhumanly possible.

After its introduction, this series’ newest installment begins with a better-looking and faster loading experience than its predecessor.

Abe is the main character; a green fellow with big eyes who can overtake his predators with a special chant, or kill them with cleverly timed environmental hazards. Additionally, he can fart, throw objects, roll, jump and have his fellow Mudokons follow pre-allocated commands.

Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty
Save your people while avoiding the Sligs!

The goal is to save all the factory workers and to enjoy Oddworld and its wacky inhabitants. There is a reason behind the franchise name, after all. The game’s setting is unique and there are plenty of mechanic twists to keep it fresh!

Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty
How the original was on Playsation.

There are three difficulty levels, and the game can be played with either a controller or a keyboard. There is also a coop mode where other players can take over when Abe bites the dust.

Players will die a lot! It’s difficult, but far from impossible; there were few places where I was stuck for a long. Re-playability comes from finding all the hidden Mudokons, and there is a good and a not-so-good ending. While the musical score is left wanting, there is a lovely ambiance and humorous in-game banter. I found Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee quite awesome and fun since I never got to play it properly back in the PlayStation era. It’s inexpensive and readily available on Steam. I would also recommend the other Oddworld games as well, so if you want to check out Oddworld New ‘n’ Tasty be sure to check it out on Steam!


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Njål Sand is a Norwegian Cosplayer with opinions on video games, and a passionate for creating content on YouTube about living in Norway, and gaming!