Lego. Most of us grew up with these amazing little building blocks of joy. I know I did and I really enjoyed making up fantasy worlds with them. Speaking of fantasy worlds, Marvel Studios and Warner Brothers teamed up with Lego to create Lego Avengers, and I must say it
is my first Lego game title.
Right off the bat it throws you into action and gives almost no guidance as to the controls; for the most part, it expects you to know what to do. I didn’t, but after a while I finally got a pop-up saying I needed to hold “B” and play as Hawkeye to shoot a Lego rope.
I was quite literally shooting things across a small river for nearly half an hour before figuring out what to do, and that wasn’t even the worst part. There is a vast degree of puzzle-solving involved to get past certain obstacles. It has left me confused and dazed, but to other players (hell probably even a ten-year-old) the game is a lot easier to play.
I’ve always been worried about the learning curve with the Lego titles after seeing many popular YouTubers, such as ZackScott play them and what I thought was easy wasn’t…but enough of my ranting about that.
The story is pretty good and it follows the plot with Age of Ultron which I really enjoy, and Lego Ultron just looks ridiculous in his design and it even gives me a good chuckle with his dialog.
I am really enjoying the twist Lego has been putting on cinematic movies and other famous characters. The game also sticks to the family-friendly regimen, reminding all of us that we have imaginations and that we should use them. It brings life to fantasy characters in a way both children and adults can enjoy.
Now the orchestra for the game sounds at times like it has been ripped exactly from the Avengers movies and I’m not sure if that was intentional. But either way, it fits the theme of the game and stays true to its roots in that aspect. Although since it is a game, it expands upon the Age of Ultron storyline a bit more. That is to say, the story is still good, it’s just I feel like some of the places in it could be cut out.
Voicing for the game is also spot-on and I really love how they brought the characters to life; most notably Iron Man. But I think a fault for the game lies in its reluctance to instruct newcomers on how to play a Lego title. Everything about the game is good, but that. Perhaps they will release an update and add a tutorial so that people like myself can get a better handle on the controls.
In the end, I do recommend Lego Avengers for its great story-telling, its diverse characters, and its great soundtrack. If you ever get the chance, I recommend picking up a copy.
An autistic gamer with opinions on games who also enjoys making dumb videos on the internet!