theHunter Call of the Wild | EMBRACING MY INNER REDNECK

Hunting, some people are good at it others are not, I fall into the “are not” category but that’s why we can play theHunter Call of the Wild. Now since it was free on Steam for several days I figured I would try it out and maybe make a funny video about its content, but what I played surprised me.

theHunter Call of the Wild hunting a deerThe last time I played a Hunting game it was at my local Wal*Mart in the cheap arcade machines with the plastic rifle that I had no hope of winning because I wasn’t as redneck as the rest of the people in my hometown and we’re talking about a place where my neighbor at one point was called “Bubba.”

Now theHunter Call of the Wild is a pretty straightforward game it’s a hunting simulator that’s delicately well built from how animals interact with how hunters need to actually hunt. You got to make sure your scent is covered, stay downwind of the animals you are hunting look for the telltale signs of the animal’s tracks such as where it pooped and its prints in the soil. You also must need to know the types of guns that are bested used when hunting certain animals to help bring them down easier and not make them suffer when you’re trying to kill them.

So much detail went into Hunter Call of the Wild for an open-world hunting game that it’s left me just mind-blown as to the quality of this game. They even went on to add a skill tree but not a typical RPG-styled skill tree but one where it makes sense for hunting where you can add skills to make you quieter when you’re walking or better masking of your scent.

theHunter Call of the Wild takes into consideration almost every single aspect of hunting that I’ve known of and turns it into a solid simulation in an open-world map where you can travel and hunt any animal in a county’s reserve.

However, I must note that if you’re trying to hunt any other bird other than duck good luck, I’ve killed several only to watch them crash down in a spiral never to be seen again.

The only real short-comings I had towards theHunter Call of the Wild is that other skin colors are DLC content for the game so if you want to be African-American, or even Asian for that matter you got to pay some hard cash and the same with some female characters as well.

theHunter Call of the Wild riding a 4-wheelerHidden behind a paywall is your opportunity to play as any character of color which in it itself is pure idiocy they could have just sold reserves separately and left other characters’ skin colors unlocked. I mean my friends are compromised of Spanish, Thai-Norwegian, Russian, and African American and you’re forcing them to play as a white guy?

Yet surprisingly the redneck skin color (a standard white with a reddish face) was free to use skin, so at least I can play the classification of person I am since I’m a born and raised Floridian and more’ the pity to me because of that.

Despite that shortcoming, the game is solid as a hunting simulation and I absolutely enjoy it, there is only one playable reserve from the start as the rest are locked behind a paywall but the game is still fun despite its cost.

Is it worth checking out if you’re into hunting titles? I’d absolutely say so and recommend go trying it out!

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An autistic gamer with opinions on games who also enjoys making dumb videos on the internet!