Angels With Scaly Wings | WOULD YOU DATE A DRAGON?!

Angels With Scaly WingsAngels with scaly wings is a unique game but I digress. The first contact was a rather unexpected event. It all happened when a portal was found and it led into a world of dragons. The player character is an ambassador for mankind, sent through the portal to establish public relations. However, it turns out that the other human who went through this is a rather flaky man with a gun. Which makes him the natural suspect, when a local green dragon is brutally murdered.

Angels With Scaly Wings

Angels with Scaly Wings is a visual novel. Which means that it is saturated with a lot of the usual tropes and issues I have with the design. Luckily the game has some elements that spice things up a bit. Such as criminal investigation and a multitude of choices. Not to mention the dating elements. It’s much like a book, with images of the character’s interactions. Some animations and varying levels of scenery.Angels With Scaly Wings

This brings me to a very puzzling thing about the way the world is made. Most of the locations make no sense when some dragons are quadruped, while the others look more like dinosaurs, and they all have sports tails. My inner designer tells me that the city pays no heed to the way dragons work. I’d assume that doors would be wider and most furniture would be pillows. Not comfy chairs with a backrest. There is a reason the term, loose wild rhino in a porcelain shop exists. Graphically the game sports a well-made environment, which mixes between 3d and hand drawn. A fairly decent job has been done to differentiate the dragons from each other. They also look rather nice.

Angels With Scaly Wings

Personally, I play games to have fun and to enjoy interactivity and if I want to read a book, I’ll do just that. But that is just my personal opinion.  That being said 2002 calls, and it wants it’s resolution back. When set to windowed there should be more options to pick from. What I do like is that the text speed can be set to instant and the very enjoyable background music. Another very good thing about angels with scaly wings is the story. It’s fairly entertaining if a bit wordy at times. Relying heavily on tell don’t show. However, it can be fully navigated with a keyboard. Plus the world is for the most part well crafted. What I did find a bit brilliant is that when a choice has been made and the outcome is dramatic. Then quick loading will not work to change the outcome.

Due to the numerous characters that inhabit the world of Angels with scaly wings, there are several ways the story can go. Leading to multiple resolutions and radically different events. That being said, there is a lot of character death and blood.



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Njål Sand is a Norwegian Cosplayer with opinions on video games, and a passionate for creating content on YouTube about living in Norway, and gaming!