4PM | It’s a short cinematic game

4PM Full PC Game Free Download (1)4PM is a thriller-based movie game and by movie-based game, I mean the person who made the game has had experience in the cinema world but took up game design. However, this isn’t a bad thing as you can see just how talented this person is.

As a test to see how good a person’s skills can be for developing a game, I personally think they did a great job.

The game itself is incredibly short with an interesting dialog so short in fact I finished the game in an entire 25 minutes and that is counting my screw-ups at a certain part of the game. At times I wonder what is going on though. The controls are straightforward forward with a WASD setup and no controller support although

Honestly, that is about it, the game is really freaking short.
Like I cannot stress how short this game is, in terms of its shortness there are a variety of jokes I can toss out here but I’m upping not to take that route for various reasons, but you get an idea. The game is short enough to make jokes about the considerable future. But 4PM is still pretty great as a quick, short, standalone game.

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An autistic gamer with opinions on games who also enjoys making dumb videos on the internet!