Tough Times at Red 5 Studios!

There are Tough Times at Red 5 Studios. I want to start off by saying that I know it’s hard for a lot of people out there. Everyone is in a tough financial situation and the people at Red 5 Studios (Red 5) are no different. However, on this same note, it’s easy to criticize someone and never offer any way to help.

Employees at Red 5 have not been paid, and as the Reddit AMA suggests, morale has been really low there for a while. I’ve also tried to reach out to our friends at Red 5, but to no avail; although I’ll keep everyone updated if I hear anything.

I want to point out that an engineer at Blizzard by the name of Cher has heard about the situation at Red 5 and wants to do what she can to help. She has started a gofundme page to raise money for the Red 5 employees. I spoke with her briefly and she wants to ensure everyone that she’s not acting on her company’s behalf, but as a way to help those in need.

If you’d like to donate to the gofundme page, here is a link to it. I know that in gaming journalism (or journalism in general) it’s best to just watch, rather than get directly involved in these issues. But what’s the point of owning a website and publishing our own articles if we can’t take a stance on things? So I hope that all our friends at Red 5 will be alright and that this situation will resolve itself soon.

This type of problem is not unique to Red 5; it’s happening lately throughout the gaming industry. Crytek had a similar issue in 2014 where they failed to pay their staff, and it seems to be an ongoing problem, will there continue to be Tough Times at Red 5 only time will tell…


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An autistic gamer with opinions on games who also enjoys making dumb videos on the internet!