ScreenCheatLogoTransparent2-1100x400Screencheat is a twist on an old-school issue where players look at each other’s screens to
know where one is coming from and take him out before he/she gets to take you out.
Normally found in First person shooters but has on occasion been seen in games such as Mario Kart.18j2m3yd6y1wrjpg

But what the developers of Screencheat have devised is a game that you need to cheat to play. Looking on your opponent’s screen to find out where he/she is and take them out the reason why. Because the other player is invisible and I got to say the game is really amazing playing it with my team I had a lot of fun. Going at it for quite a while and enjoying every minute of it. Best of all it has controller support which is a bonus for me as for some games I dislike playing with a keyboard and mouse.screencheat-windows-018

Another great thing I love about the game is being able to play online with my friends from across the world in goofy time-wasting nonsense. The only thing we need to do now is make a competitive scene for a game like this.

All in all, it is totally worth getting and very enjoyable.


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An autistic gamer with opinions on games who also enjoys making dumb videos on the internet!